Alan Crawford presents twisted short and some longer stories for adults, with quite a number of his rants and observations as well.

Several curious people, really it’s just one, asked me how or where the ideas came from. Thankfully there’s no clear answer. When the trousers, mind, or weather conditions suit such things, the computer opens, a page appears, and it starts to flow. I do have an odd imagination, response, and view of life around me. In 2010 I decided to create a blog and let some of it out bit by bit. In the beginning, I published a post every day, but that didn’t last of course. Years later after writing some short and longer stories the site and domain changed to

Three Short Stories

One of the byproducts from this site, is my eBook Three Short Stories. A selection of the longer nonsense formatted into an affordable eBook. The titles might have changed but the stories remain the same.

Get your copy now

Somewhat adult, with gruesome goings-on, food safety and some very naughty business. Get your copy of Three Short Stories from Apple Books, Draft2Digital, Amazon Kindle, Barnes & Noble, Kobo

Yes, there’s more

Here’s a link to my Longer Stories while you can access the main Short Stories via the navigation menu above. Please use these hyperlinks to find About Me, Older Random Posts, Happy Belly, Answers to the FAQ

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