A word about testicles

Reading Time: 2 minutes

It’s been a fun few days “on the on” that is on-call, I’ve not had much, but enough to keep me away from tbaoo and tonight’s the last night to post again. It might just be a word about testicles.

Nothing in tbaoo is meant to cause offence, except this, testicles. I’ve been trying to figure out for the entire life of tbaoo how I may get the word testicle into a story or fantasy piece, well here’s a news item that allows me to do so, with complete confidence, Google may not like it, but I have to push on, freedom of the press and all that. Some serious info on testicular implants here

Man jailed for stalking surgeon

1st March 2011

MAN who stalked his doctor for a year was sentenced to 12 months in prison when he appeared in Bundaberg Magistrates Court yesterday.

But Roy Danny Wells, 46, could walk free in two months, with his parole eligibility date set for May 3. Wells pleaded guilty to unlawful stalking, four charges of possessing a weapon and possession of strychnine and cyanide.

The court heard Wells began stalking the doctor after his testicle was removed in what Wells believed to be a botched operation.

“It’s extremely concerning, whatever the explanation,” Magistrate Jennifer Batts said. But the court was told Wells never intended to carry out his threats.

“It was not your intention to cause him any physical harm but merely cause him fear,” she said. “It’s unsurprising that he took these matters seriously indeed.” The magistrate said it was out of character for Wells to act this way considering his criminal history.Ms Batts sentenced Wells to 12 months in prison for the stalking offence and six weeks for possession of the firearms.

The sentences are to be served concurrently.

In sentencing Ms Batts commended Wells for pleading early which saved the victim from the anguish of testifying in court. Ms Batts also ordered the firearms to be surrendered to police. Ms Batts also ordered Wells not to approach or contact the doctor when he returned from Christchurch where his is providing medical care to earthquake victims. Wells was ordered to have no contact with the doctor’s wife and their children and not to approach or visit their home.

There are strong rumours that the fellow went to the doctor for a sore neck and shoulder strain, hey, that’s what I have. He spoke with the young receptionist and distracted in a ‘highly sexed manly kind of way’ somehow had a testicle removed, botchedly ? What the blazes. Oddly and in what is a sheer coincidence, a lot of the photos on tbaoo are from Bundaberg and no I didn’t see a Doctor while I was there. So there you are. Testicles, tbaoo, Google, silliness indeed. Good night and be careful.


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08/03/2011 05:59

too right – set the record straight – i’d only be to please to stack the medical news history of bundaberg against other areas .. it was in the news though, hence the opportunity it gave me to insert the word testicles into tbaoo. it wasn’t scientific research or indeed meant as a slight on bundaberg .. thank you for your feedback 😉

Sweepy Jean
02/03/2011 11:12

I don’t see what the big deal is. The right ball is just below the appendix. Happens all the time. Man up!

02/03/2011 11:16
Reply to  Sweepy Jean

excellent sweepy .. thanks for that solid advice .. 😉

02/03/2011 10:59

yes we move very fast here in the land down under, we also have a few medical accidents 😉

02/03/2011 08:34

Good grief! It’s already March 2nd in your neck of the woods… Alan, ahem, pushing the envelope as always… What’s next? Maybe I shouldn’t ask! LoL! 🙂

08/04/2019 01:29

excellent sweepy .. thanks for that solid advice .. 😉

06/04/2019 18:02

excellent sweepy .. thanks for that solid advice .. 😉

02/03/2011 05:22

Wow! Just….wow! Really? Are the poor male folk in Christchurch double and triple checking? Yikes! Oh…did I mention…Wow! *shakes head*

Jessica brant
02/03/2011 01:53

Tbaoo, all I can say is I’m glad I’m a girl. Lol great post good laugh.

09/04/2019 14:27

no not yet, just reporting the facts jorie .. 😉

01/03/2011 23:56

Alan…It really took some ‘balls’ to publish that one. A real nut-sack of scrotum humor in my opinion. Hang loose dude 🙂

Grumpy Taylor Hicks
01/03/2011 23:34

I find it weird that there seems to be ambiguity over whether the doctor was right in removing this man’s testicle. Wells claims the operation was “botched?” How does that happen?

“OK and now I just need to make a minor incision near the scrotum and…uh oh.”

02/03/2011 06:14

yes grumpy this is the million dollar question .. if i find out, i’ll warn everyone .. 😉

01/03/2011 21:29

I shift mine all the time. they are after all part of me. Post made me laugh and cry at the same time lol

Jorie Pacli
01/03/2011 20:49

Have you gone overboard Alan? Or, you just are just being plain ridiculous with so much thing in your mind….hehehe. Silly you! ;D

02/03/2011 06:15
Reply to  Jorie Pacli

no not yet, just reporting the facts jorie .. 😉

01/03/2011 20:09

as i suspected , google has removed ads from this page, due to the word testicles .. how silly

01/03/2011 19:48

I have no idea why they are not discreet about it. But you see it all the time.

01/03/2011 19:28

Here in India the men grabbed theirs to shift them quite blatantly!

01/03/2011 19:39
Reply to  Yogasavy

sorry ms savy, do you mean did, or do .. and please, why ?

isabelle man
01/03/2011 19:04

this case is mind-blowing.surgeons better becareful in treating patients.

01/03/2011 19:09
Reply to  isabelle man

it’s how they treat them that’s the trouble 😉 thanks isabelle

Romina Garcia
Romina Garcia
01/03/2011 18:39

I honestly don’t know how you guys walk around with those things 😉

01/03/2011 18:40
Reply to  Romina Garcia

yes romina i agree, lucky i don’t walk around with their things .. 😉 i’ve just spotted your latest post, synergy !!

01/03/2011 18:21

ha – oh my

01/03/2011 18:40
Reply to  Anna

oh my indeed .. cheers anna

08/04/2019 18:28

as i suspected , google has removed ads from this page, due to the word testicles .. how silly

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