Full time career

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No way could I foresee what a huge impact on my life this bucking bronco tbaoo would be. It’s amazing, i’m tracking, stalking, harassing, haranguing, bothering and being very friendly with a wallet load of people across the blogging universe. It’s all good stuff, I’ve made ( and will continue to make ) new online friends, people who also share a heavy workload in spreading the word. In my case the word is tbaoo and it’s nearly a full time career.

Their words are different of course, not puerile like mine, or as silly, but important, poetic, relevant, insightful, caring and informative. Mine are just plain nonsense, unless I get serious – well you’d better look out when i’m serious, it might be hard for you dear reader to tell, but don’t worry that much, normally i’ll tell you up front.

The one thing I’ve found is that you only get back what you put out. True in all walks of life, but in this blogging universe, you really have to: join any forum you find ( that connects with your aims ) be nice, don’t be too rude, keep up with posts, comments, feedback and sign up for facebook, twitter, myspace etc .. shit join everything, just sign up. Spread your url as far and wide as possible.

When you look at your Adsense revenue, don’t despair, even though you might make some bucks out of it, it’s more than, likely that you’ll not make any money. If you just post keywords, or a lesson on how to make a million dollars through Google, SEO, or some such other beat up, you may, but really who wants to read a keyword packed load of rubbish that’s more than likely misspelt and dodgy’d up language. See here, the feedback was amazing, but it was just a list.

There are some very good online ebooks, forums posts and information about so I recommend you to look at few and you’ll soon realise what is what. I’ve found lately that I need to devote at least 1/2 hour each day to keep up with posts, comments etc and i’m not really doing it enough, but the secret is to do what you can, when you can and remember that it’s meant to be fun. If it’s a job well that’s a whole different story, one that I can’t tell you, because I don’t know.


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17/11/2011 15:50

this information making sense to all and a lesson learn can change that path of there career. thank you very much to share this article and the effort to write.

17/11/2011 17:25
Reply to  patricia

what thank you patricia … 😉

10/11/2011 04:51

I have been very busy with my career, this is my full time life career. As past time I always end up with guess posting or comment on blog. | 😛

17/11/2011 17:25
Reply to  darknight0506

i guess as well dark night0506 – please enjoy tbaoo and drop by again 😉

06/11/2011 18:52

Great! I fully appreciate this post! thanks for the info and keep up the work 🙂

17/11/2011 17:24

thanks very much for support 😉

26/10/2011 05:35

Yes, building your connections in the blogosphere can be come a full-time job… but like you said, do the best you can and once you connect with a bunch of bloggers who enjoy. | 😛

26/10/2011 06:10
Reply to  diamond56

thanks diamond56 – i’m still banging on 🙂

22/10/2011 15:04

How and what time will you accept that your blog is not making any good? that traffic was nowhere to be found? do you have to change topic? change site? or just stop. Thanks for sharing this info to me.

22/10/2011 15:16
Reply to  saphiax

never, never i say .. 😉

19/10/2011 23:32

I recommended a book about Facebook strategies of making billions in revenue… I highlighted the title of the book and to my surprise, it earned so many clicks for that matter alone. | 😛

20/10/2011 05:42
Reply to  reelsteel06

my post of keywords went nuts as well . strange world, as is the sudden audience for this post 😉

Heather Anderson
Heather Anderson
18/10/2011 02:16

Party time for you! Thanks for sharing such a nice video..

18/10/2011 06:12

thank you heather .. 😉

16/10/2011 00:29

Great blog, I enjoy watching the video.. Thanks for sharing this blog.

18/10/2011 06:01
Reply to  rain0506

thanks rain0506 .. 😉

09/10/2011 02:00

I spend my days working with clients on social networking strategies to brand and grow their businesses, and I come here and write my blog to get away…a paradox I suppose, but I enjoy the company of my blogging friends and it is a hobby 🙂

09/10/2011 07:49
Reply to  Nathalia

it is amazing what we get up to .. cheers nathalia and i’ll have to check out “your hobby” .. 🙂

23/09/2011 23:21

How I wish I got your brains man! you really know your field. I am just new here and still testing the waters. Hope to be like you someday.

24/09/2011 07:26
Reply to  jailido

wow, that script deserves to sneak through – thanks 🙂

16/09/2011 15:03

I have been very busy with my career, this is my full time life career. As past time I always end up with guess posting or comment on blog.

24/09/2011 07:27
Reply to  carlaL

another one has sneaked through – 🙂

16/02/2011 18:07

Yes, building your connections in the blogosphere can be come a full-time job… but like you said, do the best you can and once you connect with a bunch of bloggers who enjoy what you do as much as you enjoy what they do then… its magic! I’m delighted to have met you.
Thanks for your contribution to the bloghop! 😉

16/02/2011 18:18
Reply to  ElizOF

thank you elizof .. the very same three fold, back to you – 😉

23/01/2011 01:35

I'm taking your advice and spreading my URL here. Is that anything at all like spreading you genes?

23/01/2011 08:38
Reply to  Hansi

ironed or not, it's in the genes ..

jorie pacli
23/01/2011 00:35

I remembered few months ago, I recommended a book about facebook strategies of making billions in revenue… I highlighted the title of the book and to my surprise, it earned so many clicks for that matter alone. I don't usually get clicks from amazon ads but that topic had turned everything around… You had made some good advice here Alan. I just started to realized that too.:)


23/01/2011 08:38
Reply to  jorie pacli

yes, i make millions from google and face book !! – we'll see how that goes ( lol ) thanks joire

22/01/2011 22:31

Nice advice tbaoo – I spend my days workign with clients on social networking strategies to brand and grow thier businesses, and I come here (and write my blog) to get away…a paradox I suppose, but I enjoy the company of my blogging friends and it is a hobby :). BTW I enjoy the variety and content you offer. I was a silent follower for a long time and finally "came out" on Blogplicity 🙂

23/01/2011 08:36
Reply to  Ron

thank you for your support ron, ( silent or not ) it's amazing what we do to relax. cheers 🙂

22/01/2011 18:09

That was my next post! "How to make a million through google"

Sound advice Alan.
Cheers A

22/01/2011 18:15
Reply to  RaisingAmelie

yes i think the only way is to have google shares .. 🙂

22/01/2011 16:12

thanks tse … did you turn the music up ?

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