tbaoo is packing his undies

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Now of course dear reader I don’t mean in any sense of male bravado, breakfast size, or any sexual intent at all. Too real for me, but this is very serious. I just realised that you may not know what undies are – they’re an Australian name for underwear or underpants, male or female most times. tbaoo is packing his undies, one of the basic necessities of life I’d say.

Well, I’m playing with mine, in that I’m launching off to Northern Queensland to attend a work related conference. My secret day job has many facets and this conference will be polishing each one of them. I’ll have clean undies, shirts, trousers and enough grooming product to float a small male bordello. Maybe I could concentrate on the work related presentations being thrown at me at a relentless pace, but I know i’ll be more interested in the surroundings, the bar, the restaurant, the local night life and the television if all else fails.

Of course my bride is well aware of my normal rantings and understands all too well, no matter how cool my undies are, that I’ll be in my room, watching television, maybe having a cold beer and not galavanting about this northern tropical town. I certainly won’t be up late and I will more than likely be desperately searching for a place to enjoy a relaxing cigarette to celebrate.


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08/09/2011 04:46

Very nice, i suggest webmaster can set up a forum, so that we can talk and communicate.

18/01/2012 19:34
Reply to  Susan

wow, very serious stuff susan, i’ll contact the webmaster and see what he thinks 🙂

03/09/2011 07:33

Funny video.. undies, panties, underwear, knickers… thongs what’s in a name!

03/09/2011 08:54
Reply to  Savira

thongs are kitchen utensils as described by someone with a lisp, what’s a wok ? a wing you wough at a wabbit.

03/09/2011 06:48

We call them undies here too. Enjoyed the video – cute. Have a fun trip.


03/09/2011 08:52
Reply to  Mari

thanks mari – it is a laugh 🙂

03/09/2011 03:32

loved it!

03/09/2011 08:52
Reply to  jan

i’m sure i will too … thanks jan 🙂

03/09/2011 01:48

great commercial. stay out of other peoples undies when on your trip

03/09/2011 08:51
Reply to  hansi

the tone has been hansied – cheers mate

03/09/2011 00:09

I can relate! 🙂 Have a great trip!

03/09/2011 08:51
Reply to  Adriene

why thank you adriene … it will be very busy and very fun

Sausage Fingers
Sausage Fingers
02/09/2011 22:35

Makes we want to re-think the whole “Commmando” idea..

03/09/2011 08:50

cheers mr sausage – have you joined my triberr tribe yet ?

02/09/2011 21:45

Undies I got – Pants I don’t after spending a week in the states it totally freaks me out when people are talking about their pants meaning trousers, pants are underpants that’s why they are pants! Wish it was like the ad – keep it rio LOL I know its work but hope you get to enjoy it too.

03/09/2011 08:50
Reply to  SJ

i really should be taking packing tips from you sj .. thanks 🙂

Stuart Nager
02/09/2011 21:37

We call them undies too, not often, but I got it. Good luck on your trip.

03/09/2011 08:48
Reply to  Stuart Nager

thanks stuart .. 🙂

02/09/2011 20:02

Is it just a coincidence that there is an underwear commercial right above this comment box? Funny ad…I don’t have undie angst anymore, gave up on them years ago…and life has been much simpler since. 😀

03/09/2011 08:44
Reply to  cath

yes the google ad association really makes me laugh at times .. thanks cath 🙂

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