New writing begins here

Reading Time: 2 minutes

My brain and brian are overpowered by long slow rolling dew spotted hills, the lush green tubular tufts of grass waving at me, in combination with other natural type thingy’s all strutting their smug pleasure in my face, as I drive down Arthur Avenue. The nuance of texture, colour and smells are the stuff of normal fiction, sometimes I think inserted simply to fill the pages.

If I have to read about the buildings, the weather, the vegetation and other unnecessary soft and warm fluff throughout the book, I’ll scream. I’m all about the story, the action, the nuts and bolts, the investigation and shit happening. Flashbacks of a vague upbringing, 48 lines of wonderful “plop” ( yes plop ) describing the environment, should be left to environmental reports on the freak’n environment.

Such puffery does not help me to get excited about who murdered who, how they did it, what forensic trickery will be applied or indeed whether the hero (detective-type person ) catches the culprit.

As for the woofery, I would think that the evil culprit would have forty-eight days to get away from the team hunting him down, as they keep waffling on about the bloom’n environment, all the bloom’n time.

Ok, so what’s this got to do with anything? I’m going to try writing some heavy-duty, meaty and exciting writing, with some slightly amusing tales and the first thing I realise is that I need to create some filler, maybe I’ll talk about the weather, the greenery, the buildings, the sun, the moon and other such inane filler shit. What’s that smell and what time in my life does it remind me of, or “wow” that’s a lovely colour.

So, dear reader, I’ll be off now, with my head down and my creative brain scanning the sidelines. Whether or not it reads well, will have to be seen. I have written some longer ones, Gloryville Murders for example:

Space Palace Adventure

The Tale of an EHO

A Couple That Kills

Gloryville Murders


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11/03/2012 17:09

When the fluff becomes bigger than the story, that is where the problem lies. I don’t really care if his pants are black and his socks are brown, unless….it is part of the mystery…Good luck with the fluff.

Mary Hudak-Colllins
11/03/2012 05:26

Tbaoo, Tbaoo, Tbaoo…sometimes you need ‘fluff’ to fill the pages. Things aren’t always good if they are a ‘quickie’, even if you get the whole message all at once LOL.

10/03/2012 03:54

I love what you guys are usually up too. This sort of clever work and reporting! Keep up the awesome works guys I’ve you guys to my own blogroll.

10/03/2012 01:15

Can’t wait to see what ya come up with. Seems like things are changin’ a wee bit at Taboo. Go for it.

09/03/2012 13:37

I’m sure your background stuff will be exciting! Good luck!

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